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Develop a desktop application using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript & WebSql.

March 27, 2014

IMPORTANT: This is something I did in 2014, and there are much better and easier options to develop a desktop application using HTML5, CSS and Javascript now. Check out Electron.js instead.

Recently, I had to develop a hybrid desktop application and php-desktop worked out really well. Php-desktop helped me to develop a clean desktop application using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript & Web Sql. I’ll introduce some tools for the development before I move on to the configuration part. In fact, we are just using some tools to wrap up the web application with a portable browser & server.

Get the Tools

Let’s move on to the configuration, assuming you got all these tools.

Setting up

Extract phpdesktop, and you may rename it to whatever you want. I’m sticking with phpdesktop and I’ll be referring it like that through out the article. Locate the www folder at the root, and you may delete all the files inside. The www folder is actually the application root and we keep the web application here. It’d be better to develop the application as a web app, and then copy it to the www folder.

Since phpdesktop is using chromium engine, we don’t have to worry much about the browser compatibility and only need to consider webkit. And therefore you can stick to chromium based browsers (google chrome, brave, etc) for development to avoid compatibility issues. localStorage or websql can be used for persistant storage. If you are new to websql, here is an introduction.

Once we have the web application ready, we can copy it to the www folder. And then, we need to change some configurations in the application settings.

locate the settings.json file in the phpdesktop folder.

I’m covering the major options below, but I would recommend going through the documentation of setting.json at the phpdesktop wiki.

Update the following option in the settings.json file.

show_console = false
listen_on = ["", 0]

Replace 0 with any port number of your choice between, 49152–65535. If you don’t change this, OS will assign random ports on every run and this may affect the localStorage since the application url will be different everytime.

Chrome settings

Phpdesktop allows to change the Chrome settings through the same settings.json file. I’m showing a few options below, all the possible options can be found here.

Set the cache_path from webcache to C:/ProgramData/YouApplicationName/, to avoid write permission issues.

And if we need access to HTML5 apis like getUserMedia, we have to add a flag to command_line_switches. A list of flags supported by chromium can be found here.

"command_line_switches": {"enable-media-stream":""}

Please remember to remove prefixed – or —- while adding the flag to the command_line_switches object, and assign an empty string, "", as value to make it a valid JSON.

For example, adding –enable-accelerated-2d-canvas flag would look like this,

"command_line_switches": {"enable-media-stream":"", "enable-accelerated-2d-canvas":"", }

Application icon

The application icon can be changed using the resource hacker tool I mentioned in the tools section. Once you have the resource hacker installed, open your executable (phpdesktop-chrome.exe is the default one), with the resource hacker. Expand the tree on the left side /Version Info/1/1033; and change the FileDescription,FileVersion and other related values.

The original phpdesktop-chrome will be renamed to phpdesktop-chrome_original and a new one will be created with the new icon. Rename it to your app name, am naming it myapp.exe and will refer it using that name going forward.

Execute the myapp.exe and your application should open in a new window.

Develop an Installer

Now that our app is running, we need to configure an installer. I’m using Inno setup to develop an installer for the application.

Start Inno setup and click new from the file menu and continue with the wizard. The wizard is straight forward and one can follow the instrutions to finish it. I’m just explaining the main step, Application Files. Here we can define the applications’ executable, locate the project directory and select myapp.exe.

The next step is to add folders & files. Select add folder, browse to phpdesktop folder and click add. We have the options to configure Icons, start menu shortcuts, languages in the next steps. Once you complete the wizard a script will be generated, and we have to tweak some of the configurations there, for example, creating the data directory.

To create a data directory, you can add,

 Name: "{commonappdata}\{#MyAppName}\data"; Permissions: everyone-full;

Please note, this should constitute the same path as the cache_path we’ve defined in the setting.json.

We can now add the app to the start up programs, by adding the following under the [icons] section,

Name: "{commonstartup}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"

The Flags: unchecked; property can be removed to make any of the checkboxes checked by default.

We dont have to replace the above variables MyAppExeName, commonstartup etc, since they are variables.

That’s the ma about the configurations, we can now build the installer from build > compile. The Installer file will be generated at the destination you selected in the wizard.
