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How to programatically convert an HTML5 slideshow to a video using Node.js, Puppeteer & FFMPEG.

May 16, 2018

I wanted to build a web based videomaker that allows users to make their own videos by simply drag and dropping images to a template, similar to what Animoto does. I tried using FFMPEG to stitch images together and position text elements with some translations, but it wasn’t so smooth like the modern HTML5 slideshows you can create using simething like Tweenmax.


This is going to be very high level explanation of the solution. And to make it simple, I’m not going to explain about how to build a video-like slide show with tweenmax in this post. I’ll be happy to update this article to a low-level one with full code samples if anyone is interested to know.

This solution involves mainly three components,

  1. A web application that renders the html slideshow.
  2. A Node.js script that uses puppeteer to render the web application and capture frames. I’ll refer this script as puppeteer-runner.
  3. Another node.js script that uses FFMPEG to stitch the frames together. Please note, you also need ffmpeg installed on the system.

I’m going to assume that your slideshow is built using tweenmax for the sake of simplicity.


Puppeteer is a Node library, built by Google, which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. It can also be configured to use full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium.


FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.


Capturing frames.

The web application should expose a url that runs the slideshow in fullscreen. However, it should not autoplay the slideshow. Instead, it should invoke the puppeteer script to start recording. Any of the waitFor methods of puppeteer can be used for this. For example, we can use page.waitForSelector('.page-ready') and create an element with class page-ready and puppeteer starts the process.

// puppeteer-runner.js
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

const width = 1280;
const height = 720;
const url = '<your webpage url>';
const tempPath = '/tmp/';

async () => {
  const brower = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true });
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  page.setViewport({ width, height });
  await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });
  await page.waitFor('.page-ready');

  const captureFrame = async () => {}; // we'll define this below.

  await captureFrame();

The above code snippet initializes puppeteer and navigate to the webpage url and then executes the captureFrame method once the page is ready. This method can be used to seek through the slideshow, remember, the slideshow is not autoplaying.

The web page should also expose a function, which can be called from the puppeteer-runner script. I’ll call it seekSlideShow and this method should seek through the slide show frame by frame. For example the slideshow will be at position 0 when it starts, and calling this method should move that to 1 and then on next call, to 2 and continue like that.

With tweenmax, it’d look something like this,

// clientside script

const animation = new TimelineMax();
// all yout slide show config goes here..

const seekSlideShow = () => {
  // animation
  animation.progress(this.current++ / this.frames);

We’ll call this method using the page.evaluate method of puppeteer, from the captureFrame function, like this,

// puppeteer-runner.js

let frame = 0
const captureFrame = async () => {

  // seekSlideShow this method should be defined by the webpage.
  await page.evaluate(() => seekSlideShow());
  const framePath = path.join(tempPath, frame,'.png' })
  await page.screenshot({ format: 'png', path: framePath)


As you can see in the above code,

  1. It evaluates seekSlideShow method, and the webpage changes to next slide.

  2. then it captures the frame using page.screenshot method and store it in the temporary directory.

  3. and finally it increments the frame number and calls the captureFrame method again in a recursive fashion.

This continues until all the frames are captured and we’ll have the frames stored in the temporary directory.

Stitching the frames together.

Now that we have all the frames for the video, we are half done. The next task is to use FFMPEG to stitch all these together, and maybe also include an audio.

One thing to note here is, the frames should be sorted in sequence and the framerate you use for FFMPEG should be in sync with what you have for the slideshow.

There are several methods to combine images, but I used image2pipe method of ffmpeg and passed the images as stdin. The below code shows how I executed it, you might have to tweak the args as you want.

// ffmpeg-executor.js

const ffargs = [
  'afade=t=out:st=' + afadest + ':d=3',

const ffmpeg = spawn('ffmpeg', ffargs);
const async = require('async');

fs.readdir(tempPath, (err, files) => {
  files.sort(function(a, b) {
    return parseInt(a.split('.')[0]) - parseInt(b.split('.')[0]);
    function(file, done) {
      const stream = fs.readFileSync(tempPath + '/' + file);
    function() {

This will output the final video to the directory we specified as output in the ffargs.

Combining the above two steps

It is important that the above two processes should work in sync. I made these two as separate scripts and spawned it as child_process and then piped the output of puppeteer-runner to ffmpeg-executer.js

// main.js

const puppeteerRunner = spawn('node', ['puppeteer-runner.js']);
const ffmpegExecuter = spawn('ffmpeg', ffargs);


puppeteerRunner.on('close', function() {
  console.log('pup closed');

ffmpegExecuter.on('close', function() {
  console.log('ffmpeg process completed');
  //save video & info here and exit.

That’s it. Hope that helps :)